Don't Regret...


Wrong person...

Be happy...

Strong person...

Success people...


You are trying...

Kita tidak tahu...

Kita ada anak kecik...
Umur 3 tahun...
Satu hari...
Kita tengah masak di dapur...
Si anak ternampak pisau...
Merengek-rengek dia menangis...
Nakkan pisau jadi mainan...
Agak-agak kita bagi?
Tentulah tidak, kan?...
Adakah ini tandanya kita tidak sayangkan anak?
Bahkan, kerana sayanglah kita enggan berikan...
Walau dimata anak...
Pisau itu 'menyeronokkan'...
Tapi kita lebih tahu...
Ia merbahaya untuk anak kita...
Kita lebih tahu...
Anak kita tidak tahu...

Begitu juga...
Kita dengan Allah...
Kita 'merengek' nakkan sesuatu...
Tetapi Allah tidak izinkan...
Adakah Allah tidak sayangkan kita?
Bahkan, kerana sayanglah...
Kemahuan kita tidak diturutkan...
Malah diganti dengan yang lebih baik...
Kerana apa yang kita mahu itu...
Mungkin kelihatan baik pada pandangan kita...
Tapi tidak pada pandangan Allah...
Allah lebih tahu...
Kita tidak tahu...

Your journey began...

Real Dream...

Real Life Never Stop

Just In Time...

Challenge Yourself !

Move Forward...

Keep It Real...

Don't Give Up !

Be yourself...

Tazkirah - Rezeki

Jika tiada rezeki anak,
mungkin diberikan rezeki mertua yang baik.
Maka kita lebih bahagia dari mendapat anak yang liar. 

Jika tiada rezeki wang ringgit,
mungkin diberikan rezeki kesihatan.
Maka kita lebih bahagia dari kerisauan menjaga harta dunia.

Jika tiada rezeki kereta mewah,
mungkin diberikan rezeki kenderaan yang jarang menimbulkan masalah.
Maka kita lebih bahagia dari membayar
kerosakan yang mahal.

Jika tiada rezeki rumah yang besar,
mungkin diberikan rezeki makanan yang tidak pernah putus.
Maka kita lebih bahagia dari si gelandangan.

Jika tiada rezeki pasangan yang cantik,
mungkin diberikan rezeki pasangan yang baik dan pandai menguruskan rumahtangga.
Maka kita lebih bahagia kerana hidup berteman dan terjaga segala.

Jika tiada rezeki jodoh,
mungkin diberikan rezeki umur ibu bapa yang panjang.
Maka kita lebih bahagia dapat berbakti
sepenuhnya pada orang tua.

Jika tiada rezeki hari ini, mungkin ada rezeki yang lebih baik pada esok hari.
Maka kita lebih bahagia kerana rezeki yang tidak dijangka.


Hanya Dia, Allah Yang Maha Adil

Maafi Qalbi Ghairullah..
Nur Muhammad Salallah.. 
Laa ilaa ha ilallah 3x
Muhammadur Rasullullah" 

Menyesal tak sudah...

7 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Fauzi Zakaria

Posted by Fauzi Zakaria™


Are you a coffee lover? Do you wake up in the morning craving the smell of coffee? Have you heard many negative things said about coffees that have made you wish to quit taking it?

Every time you wake up early in the morning feeling tired and groggy, coffee could be just what your body needs to be and remain wide awake. It could energize you and clear the mind so that you can concentrate and get work done. But do you know there are other benefits of taking coffee that you didn’t know about? Here are 7 benefits of drinking coffee:

1. It helps in the prevention of diseases

A study done by researchers from Harvard showed that taking 1 to 3 cups of coffee each day can be a health benefit; it reduces the risk of diabetes significantly. Additionally taking 6 or more cups each day will even reduce the risk further. This study revealed that the formation of the Parkinson’s disease can be decreased by up to 80% and the risk of cancer of the colon can be reduced by 25%. The study also revealed that women who take 4 or more cups can decrease chances of getting breast cancer by up to 40%.    


2. It gives you a better performing work out

Before any exercises at home or at the gym, you can drink a cup of coffee. This coffee will release endorphins in the body in a few minutes. The releases of these endorphins enable your body to be in a better mood and give you the urge to work out. They will increase the performance and help you work out longer and harder altogether. For better performances in you exercises, a cup of coffee will definitely take you there.

3. It gives you better Health

A cup of coffee has more than one thousand anti oxidants. These antioxidants are important for your health in many ways. They can lower the inflammation that is caused by arthritis and get rid of toxins which cause specific types of cancers. They also neutralize free radicals which can lead to the gaining of weight. More anti oxidants in the body make the body feel and look better both in the inside and out.

4. It gives you a longer life span

A study carried out by the National Cancer Institute revealed that people who take coffee often are more likely to have longer lives than those who do not. As much as the reasoning behind this theory is not clear, many scientists claim it’s because f the antioxidants found naturally in coffee.

Secondly, coffee can lower unhealthy snacking and improve exercises for its drinkers. Drinking coffee could replace smoking of cigarettes too. These things contribute to a longer life span.


5. It can make you smarter

Coffee does not only keep you awake, it can make you smart too. Caffeine, which is the main ingredient in coffee, is a stimulant. It is the most consumed psychoactive component in today’s world. Caffeine blocks the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter which is called adenosine. This blockage increases neuronal firing inside the brain and causes the release of other types of neurotransmitters. This leads to a net stimulant effect and improves the brain and mood.

Consumption of coffee on regular basis can also help you get over mental problems and better cognitive abilities. Studies show that coffee improves the thinking ability and gives better problem solving skills.

6. It is good for the liver

Studies show that the caffeine present in coffee aids the liver to regulate itself. Regular consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of getting liver cirrhosis, liver cancer or even liver failure. It also reduces the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis. These benefits do not extend to the other caffeinated drinks and tea.

7. It reduces the risk of gout

Gout is a very painful; condition that can occur to anyone at any age. It affects the joints and results to immobility for a long period of time. Consumption of coffee can reduce the pain felt and soothe this condition. Studies show that women who take coffee regularly decrease the risk of developing gout. This is because of the anti oxidants in the coffee which reduce the insulin in the body reduction of insulin bring down high uric acid levels which are the cause of gout.


10 Healthy Foods That Are Not That Healthy After All

Fauzi Zakaria

Posted by Fauzi Zakaria™



A glass of juice for breakfast, a chicken grill sandwich for lunch and a prepared salad for dinner… Seems as if you are having a healthy meal, right? Well…check it out again. Some foods that sound healthy actually aren’t. The word ‘healthy’ is a very subjective term. What most people do not realize that all healthy foods are not created equal. Many people rely on low fat or fat free foods, but these foods may also conceal some nasty surprises. Here, we have listed 10 manipulative foods that sound healthy, but actually aren’t.

1. Prepared salads

Just because your meal contains the word ‘salad’ in it does not mean it is healthy. The biggest mistake that most people make while trying to lose weight or become healthier is that they assume that all salads are healthy option. Pre-prepared tuna salads, turkey salads and chicken salads are full of hidden fats. The low fat dressing that you sprinkle on your salad is also loaded with calories in the form of sugar. Mayonnaise, French dressing and salad dressings are full of calories.

The thumb rule is to make your own salads by using fresh ingredients. Instead of readymade dressings, prepare your dressings using basic and light ingredients such as lemon, vinegar or olive oil.

2. Smoothies

Smoothies are healthier option if you prepare them using fruits and low fat milk. However, traditional smoothies contain high amounts of sugar, ice cream and at times fattening yogurt. Skip the store-bought and make your own smoothie instead. Next time before you guzzle that ‘low fat’ smoothie or that bag of ‘fat free’ chips, don’t forget to read the list of ingredients.


3. Flavored yogurt


Just like smoothies, flavored yogurt can contain high sugar and dairy ingredients. Plain sugar-free yogurt is actually healthy for you, and is a good source of calcium. However, flavored yogurt contains sugar, which actually slows down the process of absorption of calcium in the body.

If you are looking for sweetness in your yogurt, add honey or all fruit spread to your plain low fat sugar free yogurt. You can also opt for fat-free Greek Yogurt, which is low in fat and sugar and loaded with proteins.

4. Granola bars

Many people eat energy bars or granola bars as mid-meal snack. However, what they do not realize is that these energy bars are loaded with sugar, saturated fat and high fructose corn syrup. Some energy bars are also called protein bars as they provide you good amount of proteins (and calories too). This does not mean you should completely avoid all bars. Look out for low-sugar and low carb variety that you do not consume hidden calories.



5. Diet soda


For those watching calories, diet sodas are a good substitute for their high calorie siblings. However, several studies have found that diet sodas actually cause you several health risks if you are not careful. The artificial sweeteners like aspartame are mainly responsible for causing health related issues of diet sodas. Therefore, next time you feel thirsty, drink plain water or coffee for a quick energy buzz.

6. Lean cuisines

Just because the word ‘lean’ is associated with your food does not mean that it will help you lose fat and achieve healthy weight. Most of the lean meat or frozen foods are loaded with high sodium content. This substitute ingredient, although low in fat, is detrimental to health when taken in high quantities. Instead of picking ‘Lean Cuisines’ from grocery store, choose fresh produe.

7. Juice

Many advertisement tout juices as a healthy way to start your day. No doubt, fruits and vegetable juices are healthy, but only when they are prepared fresh at home. Readymade juices contain concentrated amounts of fructose syrup, which is responsible for several metabolic disorders.




8. Margarine

Many people have this misconception that margarine is a healthier option than butter as it contains less amount of fat. But, margarine contains trans fat (saturated fat), which can lead to several heart diseases.

9. Bran muffins

Whether it is bran muffin or white flour muffin, muffin are miniature cakes that are high in butter and sugar. Though you can substitute traditional muffins with bran ones, but watch out the quantity.

9. Sports drinks

Sports drinks or energy drinks like Gatorade are rich source of electrolytes, and also contain high amount of calories. So, if you are not working out, skip sports drinks and take healthier options.


Try to Whisper Yusuf Taiyoob in These 8 Places and Scenarios

Fauzi Zakaria

Posted by Fauzi Zakaria™

1. In a quiet cinema before the movie starts

You'll have to whisper loud enough when it's really quiet.

2. In a lift, where it's just you and one or more innocent strangers
The point is to remain stealth-like. The person(s) cannot know where the whisper came from. Don't move your body.

3. At a fast food drive-thru, when they ask for your order
You could either 1) drive away after that and 2) Say 'Y U NO HAVE YUSUF TAIYOOB?' after they claim to not have any dates.

4. In a lecture hall when everyone is avoiding the teacher's question
This is the perfect time for you to rise in popularity in your class. Don't let it go.

5. In the middle of a phone conversation, when you suddenly stop talking and the person says "... Hello? You there?"
You must not give in when there's silence in the conversation. Wait for the person to say "Hello?" twice, and go for it.

6. When you lean over to your GF and say, "Babe, one more thing..." 
Do this in the car. Park at the side of the road (where it's safe). Make her expect something really bad, or really good.

7. When you're in the toilet and someone is 'minding their own business' in the next cubicle

The toilet is a great place to 'meet people'. If you're shy, stay in the cubicle longer after you whisper. The person who heard you may or may not laugh, but you'll have nothing to be embarrassed about if you stay in there.

8. At 12.30pm, when your colleague asks, "What do you want for lunch?"

The many places and best scenarios when you can whisper Yusuf Taiyoob

Top 10 Bazar Ramadhan di Lembah Klang

Fauzi Zakaria

Posted by Fauzi Zakaria™

Bazar Ramadhan merupakan fenomena masa bulan puasa. Pada masa ini, semua warga Malaysia berpusu-pusu ke bazaar di waktu petang untuk membeli makanan. Untuk umat Islam memang untuk berbuka puasa, untuk orang Malaysia yang beragama lain pula untuk menjamu selera yang berbagai-bagai ini.

Mari kita melawati panduan top 10 ini untuk berbuka di bazaar-bazaar Ramadhan.

1. Stadium Shah Alam

Kelebihan: Terbesar di Selangor.

Makanan Terkenal: Papa John Kambing, Ayam Golek, Nasi Khabsa, Jus Mango "Oshin", Kebab Cucuk dan Kambing Golek.

2. SS18

Kelebihan: Mula 3 petang, boleh beli awal untuk mengelakkan kesesakan jalan raya dan masalah tempat letak kereta.

Makanan Terkenal: Ayam Golek dan Kambing Golek Grill

3. Jalan Tar

Kelebihan: Di tengah-tengah KL. Air murah harganya.

Makanan Terkenal: Cendol dan Air Mata Kuching (RM2 sahaja)

4. Kampung Baru

Kelebihan: Bubur Lambuk percuma di masjid. Terdapat kira-kira 150 gerai.

Makanan Terkenal: Bubur Lambuk, Roti John, Putu Bamboo dan Air Tebu.

 5. Taman Melawati

Kelebihan: Peluang untuk berjumpa dengan artis tempatan yang suka membuka gerai di sini.

Makanan Terkenal: Ikan Bakar, Roti Boom, Dim Sum, Air Kelapa dah Kuih-Muih.

6. Pantai Dalam

Kelebihan: Dekat stesen LRT "University".

Makanan Terkenal: Roti Jala, Kuih Cara, Ayam Percik dan Air Keladi.

7. Kelana Jaya

Kelebihan: Terletak di seberang Mini Market Giant di Jalan SS6/1, Kelana Jaya.

Makanan Terkenal: Nasi Kukus, Air Kelapa dan Tebu tanpa tambahan, Nasi Goreng dan Sotong Bakar.


Kelebihan: Perniagaan bermula awal untuk menarik pelanggan dari semua kaum dan agama. Bagi yang tidak berpuasa boleh dapatkan makanan tengah hari dan minum petang di sini. Sesuai untuk penghuni di Damansara dan Bandar Utama sebab bazaar ini terletak di Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3.

Makanan Terkenal: Tepung Pelita, Nasi Tomato dengan Ayam Masak Merah dan Popiah.

9. Bangsar

Kelebihan: Di depan Masjid Bangsar dan Food Court.

Makanan Terkenal: Ikan Bakar Portugis, Raja Murtabak, Rojak, Nasi Dagang, Nasi Kerabu, Ayam Percik, Rojala.

10. Bandar Baru Bangi

Kelebihan: Jauh daripada bandar KL di Seksyen 16 Bandar Baru Bangi.

Makanan Terkenal: Ayam Golek, Nasi Ambang, Nasi Lemak Kukus dan Burger Bakar.